
RESIDENCE is a dystopian tragi-comic drama that delves deep into the intricate tapestry of Australia’s multicultural history, in search of its beating heart. It’s visually bold and unapologetically unique in tenor, with an underlying thread of comedy that mitigates a tone of devastation.
CHARLIE (Jeanette Coppolino) and her companions initiate an inspiring quest, representing a hero’s journey both physically and metaphorically, displaying unrelenting strength and sacrifice as they embark upon an epic trek toward personal growth and awareness. Gripping in its emotional undertones, RESIDENCE boasts a dynamic and diverse cast that will have you breathless with anticipation one second and roaring with laughter the next.
The enigmatic and endearing CHARLIE is joined by CONNIE (Kym Valentine), a fierce yet somewhat tempered medic, handling the cataclysmic state of mayhem with unnerving calm. KJ (Ruby James), is an unstoppable go-getter whose energy is matched only by her ludicrously dark humour, delivering dubious puns before each ensuing casualty. TIM (Luke Benson) is the most industrious and entrepreneurial of the group, renowned for creating the world’s most superior vacuum cleaner.
Additionally, a nonverbal yet plucky child (Ellie Stewart) provides the audience with a portrayal of innocence and vulnerability signifying hope for humanity.
First Feature Film
Best Director Feature Film


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