In a world where one can achieve immortality by backing up one’s data, Lin Chao’s wife, Mukiel, is hesitant to back up her data, and Lin Chao’s several attempts to persuade her are to no avail; he wishes he could be with Mukiel forever, but Mukiel doesn’t believe that a simulation can replace her life.
The body of a Mukiel bionic appears in a case, and Lin Chao needs to investigate who stole his wife’s data to make the illegal bionic. In the course of his investigation, he realizes that the bionic man not only resembles in appearance, but also speaks and behaves exactly the same, and he gradually becomes fanatical in his investigation, which makes Mukiel, who is herself unhappy in her marriage, leave him.
Lin Chao eventually finds the real culprit, Tam Ho-Sum, who realizes that the bionic man Tam Hao-Sun made did not use Mukiel’s memories and needed only his own memories to make an exact copy, and he realizes that what he loved was nothing more than a likeness, an illusion.
He lets Tam Hao-Sun go, in order that Mukiel can be with himself forever.
Best Si-Fi Film
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