Step back in time to the vibrant 1970s, where two young Spanish adventurers, Javier and Rafa, venture into the Sahara Desert, driven by a hunger for thrilling escapades and the yearning for an unforgettable journey.
Amidst the vast expanse of sand, they discover the allure of friendship, the allure of risk… and the alluring Florence, a captivating French muse whose presence awakens a whirlwind of emotions. Together, they brave the perils of the notorious “Desert Pirates,” immerse themselves in the ethereal wonders of the Tuareg culture, and endure the relentless grip of the shifting sands.
But it is Javier alone who unearths the extraordinary secret guarded by “Tin-Hinan,” the enigmatic Tuareg princess with a spirit as vast as the desert itself.
Best Producer
Best Cinematography Feature Film
End of Trip – Sahara
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