In the ’80s, alien Emily crash-lands near the quaint town of Stony Plain, desperate to find the enigmatic fuel “115.” Stuck in a reverse time loop, she relives her mission daily, struggling to blend in while searching for the elusive substance. Every morning, kindhearted JT offers Emily a ride, and she glimpses something special in him that others overlook. As her encounters with the townsfolk spark hilarious misadventures, she unexpectedly finds love with JT, navigating the complexities of human behavior and dodging jealous Catherine’s advances. Faced with the reality that her salvation lies not in “115,” but in the bonds she’s formed, Emily must choose between her mission and the romantic connection that could break the cycle. A heartwarming, retro sci-fi rom-com that explores love’s power to transcend time and space, and why it takes more than a day to truly fall in love
Best Experimental Film
Best Sci-Fi Film


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