From 1981 to 2021, the world has confronted a terrible scourge that has impacted countless individuals with fear, pain, and death.
Hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent on our war against AIDS. The medical industry has focused on antiretroviral drugs to combat the HIV virus. All efforts to develop a vaccine have failed. This is the story of the earliest successful treatment for AIDS. If the mainstream scientific community had paid attention, tens of thousands of lives may have been saved.
Ignored and forgotten during the AIDS crisis this is the heroic struggle by a small group of physicians, nurses, and healthcare professionals who succeeded in treating 1,200 patients with advanced AIDS. Eighteen of these patients reversed all of their AIDS-related conditions, regained full health, and converted to HIV-negative.
These are the voices revealing the pain, profit, and politics of AIDS.
Director: Huw Christi
Producer: Society for Independent Journalism
Key Cast.
Celia Farber, Kerry Mullis, Ph.D.
Festival Status: Winner, Best Feature Documentary
The Cost of Denial
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