At 29, Shawn Wittig is the epitome of the spoiled rich kid living on the largesse of an indulgent single playboy father. The years of coddling by dad, including avoiding prosecutions from DUI to manslaughter charges continue to fuel Shawn’s addictions to drugs and alcohol, When the law finally caught up with him, Shawn is released into a teaching/rehabilitation program at the local university run by JT Dalton, a brilliant but mysterious chemist.
At first, JT’s and Shawn’s relationship is antagonistic but, after a late-night in the chemistry lab, it becomes something deeper. Soon JT and Shawn are involved in an illicit and highly sexualized affair that begins to consume both their lives. When the University catches wind of the affair, JT is promptly suspended and Shawn’s father forces the young man to give up his romance with his older professor…
Director, Writer: Catherine Dao
Producers: Nancy Isaak, Diane Peterson, Catherine Dao
Key Cast
A Martinez “Carl Wittig
Eileen Davidson “Vicky Lewis”
Catherine Dao “JT Dalton”
Tyler Wolfe “Shawn Wittig”